Opportunities for Attorneys
Opportunities for Attorneys
Iowa Migrant Movement for Justice
Iowa Migrant Movement for Justice
Attorneys can volunteer to assist Iowa Migrant Movement for Justice (Iowa MMJ) in the preparation of Temporary Protected Status applications to USCIS for unrepresented Afghans.
TPS clinics will be held periodically at the offices of Iowa MMJ (2024 Forest Ave., Des Moines, IA 50311).
Please contact Iowa MMJ (info@iowammj.org) for additional information.
Drake Refugee Clinic
Drake Refugee Clinic
Attorney volunteers are needed to assist in the preparation of affirmative asylum applications to USCIS for unrepresented Afghans and to represent Afghans during their asylum interviews at the Asylum Office in Omaha, Nebraska.
Please email the Drake Refugee Clinic (drakerefugeeclinic@alliowa.org) for additional information.